Welcome to Advanced Research Facility of JNCASR

Advanced Research Facility (ARF) at JNCASR, Bengaluru hosts state-of-the-art instruments to support the cutting-edge research in diverse scientific disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, material science and engineering. The facility is actively utilized by various research units in JNCASR and fosters cross-disciplinary interactions. An expert group of faculty members and well-trained technical staff are involved in the smooth operation and the maintenance of the sophisticated facility. ARF is supported by the generous funds from the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology and several other government funding agencies. The facility assimilates research infrastructure under two broad categories - School of Advanced Materials Research Facility (SRF) and Biological Research Facility (BRF). ARF's mission is to accelerate research and it aims to offer research solutions to scientists from academic and industrial research institutions across India.

For JNCASR user, JNC ID card (both sides, on single JPG/PNG file, less than 200 KB) and JNC email ID are required to activate the account.

Click here to Register
For JNCASR user, JNC ID card (both sides, on single JPG/PNG file, less than 200 KB) to activate the account
  • Procedure to avail the facilities
  • Login
  • Go to Facilities
  • Click desired instrument
  • Request for slot
  • Make payment
  • Upload screenshot/receipt
  • Slot allotment
  • Submit/send samples