
How to use the facility?

Registration process
For external users:

Please create a new account with all the details.
It is mandatory to upload National photo and official IDs (jpeg/png format, file size less than 200 kB) for users from Academic institutions.
Upon registration, you will receive an email to verify the account.
Once your account is verified by the ARF admin, you will be able to log in to the website.
If you do not hear from the ARF admin within two days, please contact or

For JNCASR users:

Mandatorily sign in using your JNCASR email ID. No other email will be accepted.
It is mandatory to upload National photo and official JNCASR IDs (Both side in single jpeg/png format, file size less than 200 kB)

Sample submission and data collection
  • You will receive an email communication confirming the receipt of the slot request with a unique request ID in the subject line.
  • Go to FACILITIES. Choose the facility that you wish to use. Click on “Book a new request”.
  • Complete the request form with all the required information and parameters and submit.
    Note that each facility comes with a separate ‘Slot booking request form’.
  • You will receive an email communication confirming the receipt of your request followed by another email with subject line "Payment pending" from the operator for users other than JNCASR. Please do not alter the subject line in future communications.
  • After the allotment confirmation, you may send the sample by post/courier, or bring it in person if presence during the measurement is indicated.
  • The collected data will be sent through email only.

    The data will be kept on the instrument computer for a maximum of one month, after which the ARF is not responsible for your data on the system. The data will be cleared on every last working day of the month.

    If you need the sample to be returned, it may be collected in person or via post/courier (charges applicable) within a month. ARF is not responsible for the loss of samples after one month.


Once a slot request for a particular instrument is placed, an email with the subject line “payment pending” will be sent with the amount to be paid. Please check out the Payment Procedure page for details.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of slot request is possible only prior to making the payment.