A researcher who wishes to use the Advanced Research Facility (ARF) begins as a General User.
The Operator/Expert user (defined below) of a particular facility/instrument will assist the User in data collection and analysis.
At no time is the General User allowed to interfere with the instrument or its accessories.
The User will be allotted slots during office hours (10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00) on working days only.
The User may be present when the data collection and analysis are being done and may request desired measurements while interacting with the Operator or Expert User. Alternatively, the User may request measurements in absentia.
Primary User
Once a General User has gained enough familiarity with the instrument, he/she will be considered for becoming a "Primary User".
This would involve an orientation program and qualifying a written/oral test as required.
The User will be allotted slots during office hours (10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00) on working days only.
Primary Users may operate the instrument under the overall supervision of the Operator or Expert User as per the training guidelines.
However, Primary Users may use the computer attached to the instrument on their own to carry out analysis of the data collected. All precautions are to be taken not to alter the overall functioning.
Expert User
A Primary User with good aptitude and initiative in the maintenance of the instrument and conducting advanced level rigorous experiments and analysis will be elevated to "Expert User" category.
Expert Users may be involved in conducting orientation programs for the General and Primary Users and also help the Users’ community in sample preparation and efficient data acquisition.
An Expert User has the privilege of booking long- and after-office hour slots, including weekends and holidays.
Expert Users are eligible to carry out measurements of industry samples.
Super User
The trained operator or the in-charge of the facility/instruments will be considered a Super User.
Super Users will be in charge of complete routine maintenance, slot allotment, operation, training, and coordination with companies for the smooth functioning of the instrument/facilities.
An Expert User can also be a Super User where the operator is not associated with a certain instrument/facility.