High Content Imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer CQ1 (YOKOGAWA)
High Content Imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer CQ1 (YOKOGAWA)
Make: Yokogawa
Model: CQ1
Year of purchase: 2020
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: Biocon Building
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Contact email: varun@jncasr.ac.in
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  • CQ1 system has 4 Lasers: 405 / 488 / 561 / 640 nm.
  • Phase contrast, Bright field achieved by LED light source.
  • Detection is through an sCMOS camera 2560×2160 pixel, 16.6×14.0 mm.
  • Max.5 lenses Dry: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 60x, Long working distance: 20x, 40x, Phase contrast *1 : 10x, 20x are available.
  • Microplates (6, 24, 96, 384 well), Slide glass*4, Cover glass chamber*4, Dish*3, (35, 60 mm) can be imaged.
  • It is an all-in-one confocal quantitative imaging cytometer based on CSU (confocal scanner unit) using a microlens-enhanced dual Nipkow spinning disk confocal optical system along with a live cell setup.
  • It rapidly scans the field of view with about 1,000 laser beams when rotated. Multi-beam scanning not only increases scanning speed but also results in significantly lower phototoxicity and photobleaching because multiple excitations need only a low level of laser power at the specimen to fully excite fluorescence.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 3hour/Slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
Academic Rs. 3000+18% GST
Non Academic Rs. 6000+18% GST