Multiphoton Microscope (OLYMPUS)
Multiphoton Microscope (OLYMPUS)
Make: Olympus
Model: FV MPE-RS
Year of purchase: 2020
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: Biocon Building
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  • Insight X3 Dual IR Source with Tunable (690-1300nm) and fixed laser of 1045. It has a motorized XY stage, dry, oil, and unique water immersion objective (25x with correction collar) with the high-performance objective for multiphoton excitation (high IR transmission from 690 to 1300 nm). Non-descanned detector (NDD) unit with two reflection detector modules.
  • It gives scan speed in Galvano - 1 frame per second at 500Hz with 512 x 512 pixels and Resonant scan - 30 frames per second at 512 x 512 pixels.
  • Automatic complex multi-area scanning in combination with FVMPE-RS “MATL” software module to program complex acquisition protocols.
  • It has Olympus analysis cellSens software with the Deconvolution Algorithm.
  • Purpose-built for deep imaging in biological tissue, aimed at revealing both detail and dynamics. Molecules can be visualized deep inside the specimen enabling 3D imaging of tissue slices, organoids, whole organs, embryos, or even whole animals.
  • High signal-to-noise ratio acquisition, high sensitivity, and high-speed imaging to capture fast in vivo responses.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 3hour/Slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
Academic Rs. 3000+18% GST
Non Academic Rs. 6000+18% GST