Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR)(500 MHz, JEOL)
Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR)(500 MHz, JEOL)
Make: JEOL
Model: JEOL 500
Year of purchase: 2024
Funded by: DST, Govt of India
Location: ICMS 005C
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  • MAGNET: Superconducting 600 MHz,
  • CONSOLE: JNM-EC2 600R, two channels, BOSS III (36 magnetic field homogenity corrections), BSMS 2, amplifier BLA2B
  • TEMPERATURE UNIT: control unit temp range from -100C to 150C
  • PROBEHEADS: 2.5mm probe and 4mm probe.
  • PROBE: Royal Probe
  • WORKSTATION: NMR software DeltaV5.3.2
  • tuning range: 15N1H to 31P plus 1H
  • 15N to 31P , 19F and 1H nuclei, 2D expt, temperature dependent. can be observed.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1. Proton (1H) and 19F
M3. Variable temperature NMR
M2. 13C, 15N, 29Si, 31P, water suppression
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
11. Any additional Request Will be taken up as case to case basis
06. Industry for 1H and 19F (default scans) Rs 1000 per measurement
01. Other Academia for 1H and 19F (default scans) Rs 300 per measurement
08. Industry for variable temperature (default scans) Rs 2000 measurement per temperature
09. Industry for 2D DEPT measurements (default scans) Rs 2000 per measurement
03. Other Academia for variable temperature (default scans) Rs 800 measurement per temperature
04. Other Academia for 2D DEPT measurements (default scans) Rs 1100 per measurement
07. Industry for 13C, 31P, 15N, 29Si, water suppression (default scans) Rs 1500 per measurement
10. Industry for Higher number of scans than default, additional charge Rs 1000 per measurement
02. Other Academia for 13C, 31P, 15N, 29Si, water suppression (default scans) Rs 500 per measurement
05. Other Academia for Higher number of scans than default, additional charge Rs 700 per measurement