Q Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer
Q Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer
Make: Thermo Fisher
Model: Q Exactive HF
Year of purchase: 2019
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: Mazumdar-Shaw Laboratory for Frontier Biology
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Contact email: massspecfacility@jncasr.ac.in
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  • The mass spectrometry facility at JNCASR aims to provide researchers with a state-of-the-art analytical tool for proteomics and metabolomics. Thermo Q Exactive HF benchtop LC-MS/MS combines a high-resolution accurate mass (HRAMS) orbitrap analyzer and a high-performance quadrupole precursor ion selection which aids in the detection, quantitation, and characterization of analytes from complex sample matrices while maintaining sensitivity and high mass accuracy.
  • The mass spectrometer when coupled with analytical techniques for separation such as nano-LC (for proteomics) and UHPLC (for metabolomics, peptides, and proteins) will aid in the accurate and unambiguous detection and characterization of molecules with high resolution.
  • Advanced quadrupole technology which optimizes precursor ion selection and improves quantitation of low abundant ions in a complex sample mixture.
  • Resolution power up to 240,000 @ 200m/z.
  • High mass accuracy <3ppm
  • Maximum scan speed of 18Hz
  • m/z range 50-8000
  • polarity switching one full cycle in <1 sec (one full scan in positive mode and one full scan in negative mode at a resolution setting of 60,000)
  • Timed SIM (Single Ion Monitoring) for ions of interest
  • Intact protein mode and Native protein mode
  • MS full scan with selected ion fragmentation by HCD
Modes Duration (hrs)
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST