LSM 880 Airy Scan Microscope
LSM 880 Airy Scan Microscope
Make: Carl Zeiss
Model: LSM 880 Airy scan
Year of purchase: 2016
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: MBGU Bio imaging facility
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  • It is an inverted microscope with a fully automated and motorized Super Resolution system equipped with highly sensitive Airy scan Detectors and Emission filters for the entire Visible Spectrum.
  • Consists of Multi alkali PMT detectors and 32-element Honeycomb GaAsP detectors
  • 405nm Diode laser, Multiline Argon laser (458 nm, 488nm,514nm), DPSS 561nm, HeNe 594 nm and HeNe 633nm lasers are available.
  • Objectives :10x, 20x, 40x oil, 63x oil, 100x oil are available.
  • Additionally, LSM 880 Airy Scan system also has a Fast Module: which gives improved speed in Super Resolution mode. A fast piezo focusing stage insert for fast z stack imaging with a travel range of 100 microns and Frame rate up to 19 fps or better @512X 512-pixel resolution with suitable laser beam shaper incorporated inside the LSM scan head.
  • The system works in Super Resolution mode, Virtual Pinhole mode for better sensitivity and Confocal Mode for normal imaging.
  • The lateral resolution of 140nm and Axial resolution of at least 350-400nm can be achieved.
  • The Zeiss LSM880 AiryScan Confocal microscope uses a 32-element Honeycomb GaAsP detector that provides 1.7 fold improved resolution as well as significantly improved signal-to-noise compared to conventional confocal detectors. The high sensitivity of the AiryScan detector makes it possible to detect even very weak fluorescent signals while using low levels of laser illumination.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 2hour/Slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
Academic Rs. 2000+18% GST
Non Academic Rs. 4000+18% GST