BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer
BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer
Make: Becton Dickinson
Model: BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer
Year of purchase: 2023
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: MBGU Flow Cytometry facility
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  • The BD FACSymphony A3 is a part of the BD FACSymphony family of high-parameter flow cytometers utilizing ultra-quiet VPX electronics, powerful lasers and highly sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The BD FACSymphony A3 offers
  • measurement of 30 parameters with 5 high power lasers 355nm (UV), 405nm (Violet), 488nm (Blue), 561nm (Yellow Green) and 633nm (Red) enabling the use of new dyes with improved brightness and spillover characteristics. Flow Cell is a rectangular quartz cuvette with internal cross-section of 430 x 180 μm. Up to ten photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) per laser arranged in decagon arrays and with numerous filter combinations. Samples can be run with three pre fixed flow rates: Low (12ul/min), Medium (35ul/min) and High (60ul/min).
  • The BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer is a novel high parameter system that offers qualitative and quantitative analysis of cells and other particles using multi-parametric analysis. This high parameter flow cytometer is a powerful analytical tool that enables to identify and analyze distinctive phenotypes in heterogeneous populations. The FACSymphony has the capacity to acquire up to 40,000 events per second allowing for a rapid acquisition of samples. Additionally, the BD High-Throughput Sampler (HTS) option can be used to acquire samples from a 96 or 384-well plate. It’s FACSFlow Supply System (FFSS) option increases the working capacity and ease of use while maintaining a stable fluidics pressure during running condition. The FACSymphony is operated using FACSDiva 9.1v software. FCS file versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1 can be exported for data analysis. This Analyzer can be used for Immunophenotyping, cell cycle studies, Apoptosis, cell proliferation assay, cell transfection studies and intracellular calcium influx assays etc.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 2hour/Slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
Academic Rs. 3500/Slot
Non-Academic Rs. 7000/Slot