Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID)
Superconducting Quantum Interference  Device (SQUID)
Make: Quantum Design
Model: MPMS3
Year of purchase: 2011
Funded by: DST
Location: ICMS 003A
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Under maintenance

  • Temperature range: 1.8K to 400K, 0.42K with He3 option
  • Colling rate: 20 K/ min (300 to 10 K, max. 35 K/min) and 5 K/ min (10 to 1.8 K)
  • Temperature Accuracy: 0.01 K
  • Magnetic field: 7 Tesla
  • Charging rate: 700 Oe/sec
  • sensitivity: 10^-8 emu to 2 emu
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 ZFC and FC 2 to 300K at one field (5 Hrs max)
M2 M vs H at one temperature (max 3 Hr)
M3 ZFC and FC 2 to 390K at one field (7 Hrs max)
M4 MvsT in one field and MvsH in one temperature He 3 option per sample (48 Hr per sample)
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
06. Industry for M vs H at one temperature (max 3 Hr) Rs 1500 per sample
02. Other Academia for M vs H at one temperature (max 3 Hr) Rs 500 per sample
05. Industry for ZFC and FC 2 to 300K at one field (5 Hrs max) Rs 3000 per sample
07. Industry for ZFC and FC 2 to 390K at one field (7 Hrs max) Rs 4000 per sample
01. Other Academia forZFC and FC 2 to 300K at one field (5 Hrs max) Rs 1500 per sample
03. Other Academia for ZFC and FC 2 to 390K at one field (7 Hrs max) Rs 2000 per sample
08. Industry for MvsT in one field and MvsH in one temperature He 3 option per sample (48 Hr per sample) Rs 30000 per sample
04. Other Academia for MvsT in one field and MvsH in one temperature He 3 option per sample (48 Hr per sample) Rs 15000 per sample