Confocal Micro Raman Microscope (Horiba)
Confocal Micro Raman Microscope (Horiba)
Make: Horiba Scientific
Model: Xplora plus V1.2 Multiline
Year of purchase: 2021
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Location: Nanolab
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  • Research grade optical microscope – Olympus BX, complete microscope with 2 position motorized white light illuminator Koehler illumination by reflection (LED eqv 100 W)/ transmission (Halogen 30 W), Abbe condenser and 2 objectives
  • 10X , 20X (NA=0.4 WD=1.3mm) , 100X (NA=0.9 WD=0.21mm)
  • 50X LWD visible objective (NA=0.50 WD=10.6mm)
  • Raman spectrometer:-
  • Integrated imaging spectrometer with 4 gratings mounted on motorized turret with gratings: 600gr, 1200gr, 1800gr and 2400gr HORIBA Scientific CCD detector, TE air-cooled (-60 ⁰ C), 1024×256 pixel, 16 bit
  • Range: 200-1050 nm, QE: ~ 60% @ 700nm@ RT
  • Laser:-
  • Air cooled solid state laser, 532 nm/ 25mW. Edge and Band pass filters set at 532 nm for measurements from 60 cm-1
  • Air cooled solid state laser, 638 nm/30 mW. Edge and Band pass filters set at 638 nm for measurements from 50 cm-1
  • Air cooled solid state laser, 785 nm/100 mW. Edge and Band pass filters set at 785 nm for measurements from 50 cm-1
  • Spectral resolution – With 532 nm wavelength ≤ 1.4 cm-1/ pixel with 2400 grooves/mm
  • Confocal resolution: ≤ 500 nm lateral XY (with 532 nm)
  • Motorized PC controlled 6 position ND filter wheel for laser power adjustment (0.1%, 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%)
  • Motorized PC controlled confocal pinhole
  • Motorized PC controlled entrance slit for resolution selection Confocal coupling optics and motorized filter selection
  • XY motorized stage, X=75 mm-Y=50mm.PC controlled by LabSpec software includes Z profiling
  • XY specifications: minimum step size=10 nm; repeatability=1µm; resolution: 100 nm
  • LabSpec6 spectral software suite for the easy acquisition and analysis and analysis of Raman data. Includes control of the hardware and acquisition parameters, AUTO calibration, customizable methods, FLAT fluorescence subtraction, peak label and fit, image capture, smoothing, spectral subtraction etc.
  • SWIFT fast confocal Raman mapping
  • Acquisition of point Raman spectra through confocal microscope from 50-3000 cm-1 at three excitation wavelengths: 532, 638 and 785 nm-1
  • Real time display of spectra
  • Powder, thin film and liquid samples
  • Mapping of Raman spectral lines across features
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 Raman Mapping
M2 Raman Spectra 10 min per sample
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
03. Industry for Raman Mapping Rs 5000 per hour
01. Other Academia for Raman Mapping Rs 2400 per hour
04. Industry for Raman Spectra 10 min per sample Rs 1500 per sample
02. Other Academia for Raman Spectra 10 min per sample Rs 600 per sample/2400 per hour