Make: Carl Zeiss
Model: Axio scan Z1(Slide scanner)
Year of purchase: 2018
Funded by: JNCASR
Location: MBGU Bio imaging facility
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  • Slide Scanner is a fully digitalized wide field microscope.
  • With high sensitive cameras, Hitachi HV F202 SCL, and Hamamatsu ORCA flash 4.0V2 and highly corrected optics and perfected light sources, Axio Scan.Z1 achieves the best possible image quality. The fast LED light source Colibri.2 treats the samples very gently.
  • Switching of Excitation wavelengths takes place in milliseconds by triband and quadband filter sets.
  • Slide Scanner imaging system is a fully digitalized microscope capable of imaging 100 slides (26mm*76mm) at a time, equipped in both bright field and fluorescence mode. Up to five fluorescence channels can be imaged using three synchronized high-speed filter wheels for excitation, beam splitting and emission. Using standard filter cubes, it is possible to capture up to 9 fluorescence channels.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 3hour/Slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
JNC Rs. 750/Slot
Academic Rs. 3000+18% GST
Non Academic Rs. 6000+18% GST