Confocal microscopy (LEICA)
Confocal microscopy (LEICA)
Make: Leica
Model: TCS SP8
Year of purchase: 2020
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Location: ICMS
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  • It is a fully motorized inverted fluorescence microscope with built in Z/Piezo/Galvo having 10 nm or lesser step size for precise Z-stack sectioning. It has a 10x binocular eyepiece, a motorized nosepiece with six objective lenses (5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x & 100x) and ability of motorized switching between camera or eyepiece. The microscope has a touch control LCD/TFT-control panel for controlling all the motorized functions of the microscope. The lasers used here are all Solid state/ Diode Lasers capable of point scanning/raster scanning with highly sensitive spectral Multi alkali PMT detectors. It also has a provision for IR lasers for long term drift free imaging.
  • The universal stage it has can hold glass slides, petri dishes, multiwall pates easily. It is equipped with five Lasers (Solid State Diode Laser): 405 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 552 nm and 640 nm.
Modes Duration (hrs)
M1 1 hour per slot
Sl. No. - Category Fees ( in Rs/- ) + additional 18% GST
02. Industry Rs 3000 per Hour
01. Other Academia Rs 1500 per hour